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life is hard.
Sunday, August 28, 2011 @ 9:57 PM / 4 comment(s)

Holy crap i've been blogging for over two years now o_o' From 2009 May until now.
Blogspot's been quite lively these past few days. Kim and Christabel both got a blog hehehe (Y)
HI GUYS. You're gay :D <3 (especially you christabel 8D )

Subject selection sucks. It's due tomorrow but i handed mine in on Friday and now i'm starting to regret it. I don't know whether i made the right decisions or not and askjdhasljkd. I still despise the fact that music is in the same line as sport and now i have to do sport outside of school. But what's worse than that is the fact that there's only one class for music and there's around 22 people (plus any new students that want to take music next year) which means, MASSIVE CLASS. 22 people may not seem like much but if it's a music class, it's massive.
And i'm having seconds thoughts on doing music again asjkdalskdhaskldhasjkdh
I think i need to get my subject selection sheet back tomorrow o__o' if that's possible :/

I've been extremely productive today. Staring at my homework has been tiring and i think i deserve a well earned break. I'm going to continue downloading Playful Kiss and i shall finish off my geography essay soon :)

why do these two pictures make me laugh so much? HAHAHAHAHA :'D