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Monday, June 20, 2011 @ 8:02 PM / 4 comment(s)

I tend to say things and never achieve them.
It really sucks. My procrastination habits get in the way and i can never complete what i want to when i want to.
On the weekend, i told myself, i would hardcore work on my science evolution assignment, catch up on all my maths homework, research notes on Germaine Greer for history practise essay and do my english homework.
Did i manage to get any of this done?
No, i did not, though i did start on my science evolution assignment, but then again, i started last week before the teacher changed the date. I managed to write a sentence yesterday and that was it.
A whole weekend wasted and what was i doing? Procrastinating. Trying to find a way, any way really, out of doing work.
Today i told myself i would start eating healthy from this week onwards. What do i do when i come home? Eat egg tarts and cake.
And you know what else i told myself today? I would hardcore work and get my science assignment done. But no, i ended up procrastinating.

Procrastination will be the death of me. Seriously.

OH, btw,
check out my friend's blog? :D
She's pretty epic. After all, she made a post with the first sentence being, 'JULIE IS AWESOME'. [ignore the picture, that is not me....]
hahahaha I LOVE YOU ERIN :D

i would like some donuts now.