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this needs a title...
Tuesday, May 31, 2011 @ 7:57 PM / 2 comment(s)

I realised i haven't been blogging 'properly' lately. It's mainly just be uber short posts and posting stuff on new kpop songs i've found hehe xD
BUUUT i plan on doing more 'proper' posts now hahaha...

ANYWAYS..let's see what's been happening lately
Oh yeah. i got my maths & music results back today. Maths, well, i guess i could've done better if i read the questions properly. seriously. I should've have lost some of the marks...IF ONLY i read the question properly T__T and as rachelle would say 'THIS IS LIES'
& music? Well, yes, you could say i'm pretty disappointed in myself for the performance part. The sight singing part, not so much. I expected to fail anyways so mehh.

ermerm athletics carnival was cancelled yesterday D:
i swear the weather pmses so bad in australia. I looked at the weather forecast and friday is sunny 20 degrees. WHYYYYYYY?! i swear friday's always sunny =________=
fingers crossed there's going to be torrential rain on friday and lightning and thunder so i won't have to do sport :D
and if it just happens to be like that and my sport teacher makes us walk in that, i swear. i will chuck a tantrum.
Walking is the worst sport ever. Even though it's free, it sucks. The teacher is so hardcore =___= He makes us power walk up hills and if we're at the back for too long he makes us start running.
And i thought walking would be leisurely.
Oh, and i swear he's a pedo or something.
I quote: "I can see youuu" & "I still can see youu"

Omg. Sydney Eisteddfod for Acapella tomorrow.
we're going to lose and embarrass our selves.
yeah i can see into the future.