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Wednesday, March 2, 2011 @ 9:13 PM / 0 comment(s)

you're old now, but hey! you get to watch MA 15+ movies...that is if your mum lets you :P

You better like the present we bought you and not just be happy cos kim bought you two cakes :L
I hope you enjoyed your birthday! 8D

Today was fun :D mango and chocolate cake omnomnomnom :D and towards the end, we started putting skittles in soft drink until it turned this really gross colour xD i suggested we played a game and the loser would have to drink it. Erin lost first but she didn't want to drink the whole thing so we only gave her a little bit and she was so scared LOLOLAHAHAHA Priscilla tried some too and then we played a second round and then someone else lost (i can't remember) but then after, i had to drink it because i was the only odd one out =______=
but it was alright, cos it tasted nice LOL it was like...fizzy skittle soft drink... xD

I had my last year's english teacher today. he's gotten fatter AHAHAHAHAHAHA
it was awkward in the class.

OH! and the funniest thing today at tutoring :P
teacher: Denise, we missed you last week.
Denise: Chan, like Jackie Chan.
teacher: ....I didn't ask for your last name, I said 'we missed you last week'
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Denise is funny xP